Photos for official Irish documents

There are a variety of documents released by Ireland for which a biometric photo is needed. A biometric photograph is required for a passport, ID card or driving license.

A biometric image is a form of photo that makes it easier for the authorities to validate your identity. For example, the most distinctive criteria of biometric images are: even brightness, a neutral facial expression, or pupils being entirely visible. Aside from the general specifications that are meant for you to avoid such things as obscuring your face with any objects, there are also certain technical requirements that can vary depending on the country.

This mainly refers to the background and the size of the photograph submitted for the official document. It is 35x45 mm in Ireland as well as in the rest of Europe, but in the United States for example, the official biometric photo size is 2x2 inches. The demanded background is white or any clear colour in most of the cases, but the required colour in Canada is royal blue.

Basically, to get a biometric image that is suitable for submission, there is a series of guidelines that everyone must follow. Any person could be easily confused, so one needs to pay attention. Luckily, today's technology makes it incredibly simple to take a photo for any official Irish documents. All you need to do is find a photo app to resize your picture, convert the incorrect background to a valid one and verify that all the other specifications are strictly followed.

The tool you are looking for is none other than Photo AiD. We can do all of this, and make sure that your photo is of high quality for an Irish passport, an Irish driving license or an ID card. All you have to do is to visit our page, pick the type of document you are applying for, upload your picture, and in the blink of an eye you will be able to see a sample of your professional biometric photo for official Irish documents!

Documents for Irish citizens